To enhance its security and privacy, WhatsApp has been adding new features in recent months. The messaging app is now working on another feature that may help users to verify their accounts easily, reported Indian Express on 4 August.
Citing a report from WAbetaInfo, a website that tracks WhatsApp updates, IE said that WhatsApp is most likely to allow users to use their email addresses as an alternative login method.
As per details, to login to their accounts on a new device, users need to enter their phone numbers and receive a verification code via SMS or phone call. However, when a user loses his or his phone or sim card, it may become not be convenient or feasible.
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For users facing network or server problems, which prevents SMS messages from being delivered, they can opt to use their email addresses instead of their phone numbers for verification.
Though the email verification feature is said to be optional and under development, said WABetaInfo. The new feature was spotted by WhatsApp beta testers who were using the v2.23.16.15 version of the app, added the report.
It is to be known that the messaging platform allows users to provide an email address when they set up a PIN for two-step verification, but this is the first time that WhatsApp is allowing email to be used for login purposes.
Among features like WhatsApp’s security and privacy options, including end-to-end encryption, disappearing messages, and biometric authentication, this email verification feature could be a welcome addition to WhatsApp.
Apart from this, it also make it easy for users to switch devices or recover their accounts without relying on their phone numbers. Though the date and details of rolling out this feature is yet to be decided.
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