
How to Build SMS into Your Omnichannel Strategy – UC Today

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Bringing SMS into the omnichannel CX strategy
Last Edited: July 17, 2023
Rebekah Carter
Today, customer experience is the most important thing companies need to master if they want to attract buyers and build revenue. Unfortunately, staying ahead of the competition from a CX perspective is often more complicated than it seems.
It’s not enough to simply offer fast, personalized, and effective service. Organizations also need to communicate with their customers throughout the purchasing journey, on the channel of their choice. Increasingly, SMS is becoming one of the most popular channels available for service. Leading omnichannel innovator, Mitto found that  .
Additionally, Mitto also found that customers are more likely to make a purchase based on a personalized SMS recommendation than a multi-million dollar Super Bowl campaign.
So, how do companies build SMS into their strategy for sales, service, and marketing?
Studies consistently show that messaging-based communications are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world, particularly among younger generations.
As consumers in every industry spend more of their time connected to their phones, SMS offers the perfect opportunity to connect with buyers. The right campaigns can help nurture leads, increase conversions, and even improve customer retention rates. However, to leverage the most value from an SMS CX strategy, companies can’t simply “add text” into their tech stack.
The best results come from a complete omnichannel campaign, one that effectively aligns all of the communication tools used by customers into one unified environment. According to Mitto’s “State of the Customer Experience” report, companies with an omnichannel strategy are four times more likely to have loyal customers and three times more likely to report significant revenue increases.
With this in mind, companies should be looking for platforms that allow them to connect their SMS strategy to not just other communication tools, but all the resources used to deliver stellar customer experiences. An integrated platform will synchronize SMS and communication tools with content platforms, CRMs, security  solutions, and more.
To make the most of the power SMS has to offer in today’s communication landscape, companies need to understand where opportunities exist to interact with consumers via text. While many business leaders are familiar with the benefits of SMS messaging for marketing, the right solutions can be used to interact with and engage customers throughout the entire purchasing journey.
“SMS can be used to engage customers at every stage of their journey. Brands can send customers who have opted-in a text message that contains a link to a blog during the awareness stage to learn more about their products or services. Businesses can also use loyalty programs to convert casual shoppers into repeat buyers.” –  Laura Apel, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Mitto.
As well as using carefully crafted and personalized campaigns to capture audience attention, showcase new products, and drive sales, companies can also look at other ways to bring SMS into the CX landscape. For instance, SMS campaigns can be used to:
Once businesses have a plan in place for how they’re going to use SMS in their interactions with customers, the next step is optimizing the experience. Often this starts with developing a strategy for customer communications. Businesses can create templates and best-practice guidelines for employees to use when sending messages en masse or responding to customers one-on-one.
However, the right tools can make a huge difference to an SMS strategy’s success. SMS and omnichannel messaging platforms give businesses all of the resources they need to effectively create, manage, and monitor SMS campaigns.
Platforms for SMS messaging can provide businesses with useful tools for creating dynamic, engaging messages, which they can also schedule to be delivered at the perfect time to increase open rates. It’s even possible to use these platforms to segment lists of contacts based on their preferences, buyer behaviors, or unique needs, allowing for more  .
What’s more, with the right campaign management and SMS tools, businesses can leverage insights from every campaign they send. Reporting and analytics tools can provide a behind-the-scenes view into which messages increase customer loyalty, boost conversions, and drive results.
For some time now, customers have been searching for more convenient, comfortable, and efficient ways to communicate with brands. SMS messaging is more convenient, faster, and personal than emailing or phone calls. Implementing SMS into a full omnichannel communication strategy gives businesses the opportunity to leverage a range of benefits.
Not only can the right SMS strategy increase customer engagement levels and boost sales, but it can also reduce churn rates and increase customer lifetime values. The key to success is implementing the right strategy. Finding a platform that allows you to embed SMS into a full omnichannel strategy alongside other tools is crucial.
The right platform will help businesses to create automated campaigns, personalize conversations with customers, and use insightful analytics to constantly drive better results.
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