Contrary to many beliefs that the internet, especially internet-based messaging platforms have dislodged SMS as a messaging tool, SMS is still a powerful platform whose power is not fully understood and leveraged by marketing and communication decision-makers.
According to the UCC Q4 2022 Market Report, there were 38.1 million connected devices, up from 37.2 million in Q3 2022. Of these, 25.8 million or 68% of all connected devices were either feature phones (23.8 million) or basic phones (2 million). This is nearly 2 million more than than the traditional media audience- estimated at 24 million by the Ipsos 2022 National Audience Measurement Survey.’ By contrast, smartphones were only 12.2 million- even though smartphone owners are also an addressable audience via SMS.
According to the Q2 2022 report, SMS remained the foundational communication channel especially, for Digital Financial Services. Of the 11.8 billion SMSs sent in this quarter, 9.01 billion were Application-to-Person (A2P) messages and 2.76 billion messages were Person-to-Person (P2P) messages.
SMS, above its ubiquitous nature, has other unique unrivalled advantages over other messaging channels, namely:
Allow me to introduce you to Service Cops Limited a Ugandan Fintech, ICT and BPO firm whose primary focus is to develop solutions that not only change how organisations work, but also cut costs, and increase efficiency and competitiveness. Now over 12 years old, we have grown to become a regional player in four countries with a stack of technology solutions across various industries. Service Cops partners with over 12,000 education institutions, 18 commercial banks, 5 major telecoms and a number of other payment aggregators in Africa to extend our service touch points to over 30 communication channels.
We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/ICE 27001:2013 certified company for Quality and Information Security Management respectively and our solutions are certified to International Standards.
To understand how Service Cops’ cutting-edge SMS solutions can be integrated into your current stakeholder communication as well as sales/advertising/marketing strategy/mix, reach out to us.
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SMS IS NOT DEAD! Supercharge Your Business Growth with SMS … –