
Smishing – Beware of WhatsApp/SMS messages – IRAS

Government agencies communicate via websites (e.g.
Look for a lock () or https:// as an added precaution. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
If you receive WhatsApp or SMS messages claiming that you are under investigation for incorrect tax filing, promising tax refunds or threatening you with bank account closure, beware. Do not click on the fraudulent links!  
To prevent scammers from impersonating IRAS, we are registered with the Singapore SMS Sender ID Registry. Scam messages impersonating IRAS are identified and blocked upfront. You will only receive official SMSes from IRAS with the sender ID “IRAS”.  
Watch out for fake IDs spoofing the IRAS ID. Scammers use alphabets, numbers or symbols to create fake IRAS IDs. Some examples are “!RAS”, “I$AS” or “iRAS”.  
Smishing attacks are sent via WhatsApp/SMS messages. When you click on the links in the messages, typically you will be led to a seemingly legitimate webpage (spoofed IRAS website or bank website) phishing for your user name, password, account number or other personal information. Scammers use this confidential information to carry out identity fraud. 
Sometimes, the links also download malware such as viruses, ransomware, spyware or adware on the devices.  
Screenshots of scam WhatsApp/ SMS messages: 
Scam SMS - 3 Oct 2022
Phishing scam_12 Oct

SMS_6 Sep 2022
© 2023, Government of Singapore
Last updated on 13 September 2023


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