
Fake websites targeting SecureAccess Washington (SAW) users – Employment Security Department

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Updated 4:30 p.m., Nov. 16, 2023
Customers who used a search engine to access SecureAccess Washington (SAW) may have fallen victim to a phishing scam. The scam uses sponsored ads that link to different spoofed, or fake, SAW websites that can compromise their personal information.
Customers should make sure their SAW accounts are secure.
Access your SAW account from ESD or Paid Leave’s websites. Do not use a search engine to get to the SAW login page.
Safe links to SAW:
If you cannot access your SAW account:
If you can log into your SAW account:
The most secure MFA method is using an authenticator application. Authenticator applications, or apps, download to your device and generate secure six-digit codes you use to sign into your account.
After authenticator apps, text/SMS messages provide the next best security. The least secure MFA is email.
Read the warning on the Washington Technology Solutions website.
For information about securing your Paid Leave account, see our alert on the Paid Leave website.

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