
Restaurants and Bars Should Consider Text Message Surveys for … – Modern Restaurant Management

November 16, 2023
7 Min Read By Phil Portman
In the competitive restaurant and bar industry, customer feedback is vital for success. With the prevalence of online reviews, it's crucial to actively seek and utilize feedback. Text message surveys offer a convenient and real-time method to gather this valuable input, and in this guide, we'll explore their importance and implementation for improved operations.
Customer feedback offers insights into customers satisfaction, needs, and preferences. It acts as a compass, guiding establishments to stay relevant in a dynamic industry.Feedback isn't just opinions; it's a catalyst for improvement. Restaurants and bars can use it to identify areas needing enhancement, adapt to changing trends, and refine operations. Acting on feedback not only enhances satisfaction but also fosters customer loyalty. Actively seeking and acting on feedback sets restaurants and bars apart in a competitive market. It demonstrates a commitment to excellence, attracts and retains customers, and safeguards reputation in the age of instant online reviews.
Historically, restaurants and bars have relied on traditional methods like comment cards and in-person feedback to gather customer opinions. Comment cards, often placed on tables or near exits, provide a physical platform for customers to jot down their thoughts about their dining experience. In-person feedback, on the other hand, involves direct conversations between staff and customers, where feedback is shared verbally.
While these traditional methods have been in use for years, they come with notable limitations. Comment cards can be cumbersome for customers to fill out, leading to lower response rates. Moreover, comments may not always be detailed or specific, making it challenging to extract actionable insights. In-person feedback, while valuable, is often subject to biases, as customers may be reluctant to share negative comments face-to-face, leading to a skewed perspective. Additionally, these methods offer limited anonymity, which can deter customers from providing honest feedback.
Given these limitations, there's a pressing need for more efficient and accessible feedback collection alternatives. Modern consumers are increasingly digital-savvy and prefer convenience. As such, restaurants and bars must adapt to these preferences and explore innovative methods, such as text message surveys, which offer ease of use, anonymity, and real-time feedback collection, as we will explore further in this guide. These alternatives are not only more customer-friendly but also provide businesses with the tools to streamline the feedback collection process and extract meaningful insights to drive improvements.
Accessibility and Convenience for Both Customers and Businesses
Text message surveys offer unparalleled accessibility and convenience. Customers can provide feedback effortlessly using their mobile phones, anytime and anywhere. For businesses, this means eliminating barriers to participation and ensuring that the feedback process aligns with modern consumer expectations.
High Response Rates Compared to Other Survey Methods
Text message surveys consistently yield higher response rates compared to traditional survey methods. The direct and personal nature of text messages encourages customers to engage and share their opinions. This results in a more comprehensive and representative dataset, enhancing the accuracy of insights.
Real-time Data Collection and Immediate Insight
One of the most significant advantages of text message surveys is their real-time data collection capability. Feedback is gathered immediately after a customer's visit, when their experience is fresh in their minds. This allows businesses to pinpoint issues and opportunities promptly, enabling faster and more effective decision-making.
Ability to Reach a Wider Customer Base
Text message surveys have the potential to reach a broader customer base, including those who may not participate in traditional feedback methods like comment cards or in-person discussions. This inclusivity ensures that feedback is more representative of the entire customer demographic, helping businesses tailor their offerings to a wider audience.
Cost-effectiveness of Text Message Surveys
Implementing text message surveys can be a cost-effective solution for collecting feedback. They eliminate the need for physical survey materials, printing costs, and manual data entry. Automation and digital platforms further reduce administrative overhead, making text message surveys an efficient and budget-friendly option for businesses of all sizes.
Keep it concise: Instead of asking, "Please provide detailed feedback about your meal," opt for a more straightforward question like, "How satisfied were you with your meal today?"
Use a mix of question types: Ask a multiple-choice question like, "How would you rate the friendliness of our staff?" followed by an open-ended question like, "Is there anything specific you liked or disliked about your visit?"
Prioritize key topics: Focus on questions like, "How would you rate the taste and quality of your food?" and "Did our staff meet your service expectations?" to target core aspects of the dining experience.
Avoid leading questions: Instead of asking, "Wasn't our service excellent?" use a neutral question like, "How would you rate the service during your visit?"
Test and refine: Before launching your survey, pilot it with a small group of customers, and adjust any confusing or redundant questions based on their feedback.
Avoid over-surveying: Limit survey requests to no more than once a month per customer to prevent annoyance. For example, "We value your feedback and will only contact you occasionally."
Segment your audience: For first-time visitors, send a survey a day after their visit, while for regulars, wait a week to gather feedback about their overall experience.
Consider transactional surveys: After an online order, ask, "How was your recent online ordering experience?" or following a reservation, inquire, "Tell us about your recent reservation experience."
Acknowledge all responses: Send an immediate thank-you message upon survey completion, such as "Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!"
Address concerns proactively: If a customer expresses dissatisfaction with a specific dish, respond with an apology and a resolution, like, "We're sorry to hear about your experience. We'll ensure this issue is addressed."
Share improvements: Inform customers when you've made changes based on their feedback, such as, "Thanks to your input, we've updated our menu to include gluten-free options."
Use feedback as a training tool: If a staff member receives positive feedback for excellent service, recognize and reward them. For negative feedback, provide constructive feedback for improvement.
Maintain confidentiality: Assure customers that their responses are confidential and will be used solely to enhance their future experiences, such as, "Your feedback is confidential and helps us serve you better."
Clearly communicate purpose: Ensure that customers understand the purpose of receiving text message surveys and how their feedback benefits the restaurant or bar. Transparency can reduce opt-out rates.
Tip: Craft an initial survey message like this: "Hi [Customer's Name], we value your feedback to improve our service. Would you like to participate in a quick survey?"
Provide an opt-out option: Include a simple and visible opt-out mechanism in every survey message, allowing customers to unsubscribe easily.
Tip: Include a clear opt-out statement such as "Reply STOP to unsubscribe" at the end of each survey message.
Respect frequency limits: Adhere to industry guidelines and best practices for text message communication frequency to prevent spam concerns and maintain customer trust.
Example: Stay within the industry-recommended guideline of sending no more than one survey per week to avoid overwhelming customers.
Use a reputable survey platform: Choose a reputable platform that follows legal and ethical standards for text message surveys to avoid spam-related issues.
Tip: Research and select a survey platform with a strong reputation for adhering to legal and ethical standards in SMS communication.
Offer incentives: Consider providing incentives, such as discounts or exclusive offers, to motivate customers to complete surveys.
Example: "Complete our survey for a chance to win a $50 gift card!"
Personalize survey messages: Use the customer's name and personalize survey invitations to make them feel valued and more likely to participate.
Example: "Hi [Customer's Name], your opinion matters to us. We'd love to hear about your recent visit to [Restaurant/Bar Name]."
Emphasize the importance: Convey how customer feedback directly contributes to improving the dining experience and making their voices heard.
Tip: Highlight how customer feedback leads to tangible improvements, such as "Your feedback helps us serve you better on your next visit."
Keep surveys short: Design surveys to be concise, respecting customers' time and increasing the likelihood of completion.]
Example: "Take just 2 minutes to share your thoughts on your dining experience. Your input matters!"
Implement data management protocols: Establish a system for securely storing and managing customer feedback data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
Tip: Ensure that data is stored securely and establish clear data retention and deletion policies in compliance with data protection regulations.
Automate data analysis: Leverage survey platforms that offer automated data analysis and reporting capabilities to streamline the process and extract actionable insights efficiently.
Example: Use a survey platform that automatically generates reports with key insights, such as trends in food quality or service speed.
Prioritize feedback: Focus on addressing the most critical issues first, using data analysis to identify trends and prioritize improvements.
Tip: Segment feedback into categories (e.g., positive, negative, and neutral) to identify and address the most critical issues first.
Tip: Regularly review and update your survey questions and data analysis methods to stay aligned with changing customer preferences and industry trends.
Ethical considerations and data security are critical pillars in the successful implementation of text message surveys within restaurants and bars. To uphold ethical standards, establishments must first understand and adhere to relevant data protection regulations, such as the GDPR and CCPA, which require explicit customer consent for data usage. Safeguarding customer data and privacy involves limiting the collection of personal information to what is strictly necessary for survey purposes and implementing secure data transmission methods to prevent unauthorized access.
Additionally, ensuring anonymous feedback assures customers that their responses will not be tied back to them. Maintaining transparency in data usage and storage practices is crucial, achieved by communicating clear privacy policies, establishing data retention guidelines in compliance with regulations, and providing customers with control over their data. These measures not only protect customer trust but also demonstrate responsible and ethical data handling while harnessing feedback to improve restaurant and bar operations.
In closing, text message surveys present restaurants and bars with a streamlined, customer-centric feedback collection method, characterized by accessibility, high response rates, real-time data, broad reach, and cost-effectiveness. We urge businesses to embrace this innovative approach, elevating customer experiences and ensuring a strong foothold in the fiercely competitive restaurant and bar industry. By adopting text message surveys, establishments can extract valuable insights, drive continuous enhancements, and cultivate customer loyalty, laying the foundation for enduring success in this ever-evolving landscape.

Philip Portman is the Founder/CEO of Textdrip, a business texting platform for Insurance, Restaurants and Bars, Real Estate, and Hospitality. He has created several startups and is an expert in SMS marketing and automation in digital marketing.


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