
Some People Are Having Sex in San Francisco's Robotaxis – Slashdot

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zero mile low club!
Not in the water? How unadventurous.
Thanks for the F shack… Dirty Mike and the Boys… []
New Names?
eggplant + car… eggplant + shipping box?
I got it : fuxi?
Did you get a fuxi?
That will get people to into self-driving cars… They can give a new meaning to “driving” somewhere.

zero mile low club!

zero mile low club!
I wonder how many orgasms per mile can be had in a robotaxi? Is it a milestone worth advertising?
I have a few friends that do Uber full time for a living, and they have a lot of wild stories of what people do in the back seat. Two people having normal sex is among some of the more mild things. Try threesomes, two guys doing ass to mouth, or even outright orgies.
I think the only difference here is now they can do it in the front seat too.
Well, I had sex in a Greyhound bus (not in the bathroom, it stinks there!) and plenty of other places with my girlfriend when I was a teen so I guess; nothing to see here, move along!
This is probably taxis in general, nothing new now for uber/lyft.
Just put couples in robotaxis and away they go!
Robotaxis – cum and go at the same time.… []
Ever since those robotaxis started roaming, I’ve been have Waymo sex in moving vehicles!
Do they have these in Denver yet?
… reads SlasDot
> When asked, both Cruise and Waymo sidestepped commenting directly on what is or isn’t allowed in their cars.
“Sidestepped commenting”???
It seems mealy mouthed manager types cannot give a straight answer these days without running it past legal and marketing.
Unless they have robotic cleaners wiping down seats after each ride, why cannot they say sex is disallowed within the taxi? As is spitting and worse.
Almost nobody can afford to fix up a Chevy Van [] and turn it in to a lovemobile these days.
… but I draw the line at filthy ROBOSEXUALS !!
Vote no on Proposition Infinity !

… but I draw the line at filthy ROBOSEXUALS !!

… but I draw the line at filthy ROBOSEXUALS !!
I think they should get their own R in the Democrats’ gender preference string.
What I NEED is a robotaxi I can have sex WITH!

who said they’ve had sex or hooked up in the driverless vehicles

who said they’ve had sex or hooked up in the driverless vehicles
I’m not up on American slang. Is “hooking up” just pashing and groping? Because surely that’s standard practice in the taxi/uber home from a successful date.
No, it means fucking strangers – generally. I.e. whoever you just picked up from the bar, tinder, whatever.

I’m not up on American slang. Is “hooking up” just pashing and groping? Because surely that’s standard practice in the taxi/uber home from a successful date.

I’m not up on American slang. Is “hooking up” just pashing and groping? Because surely that’s standard practice in the taxi/uber home from a successful date.
No, “hooking up” is the sex that happens after, and “date” tends to mean more of a relationship than just a one night stand.
The closest stereotype I can think of is hooking up in the back seat of a car, which (hopefully!) occurs after driving to a secluded spot to part the car.
That applies more to people without privacy in their own homes, where a taxi is presumably taking the two back to one of their homes instead. In either case the hooking up came after.
I had sex with the taxi.

I had sex with the taxi.

I had sex with the taxi.
In Soviet Russia, robotaxi has sex with you!

No robotaxi is designed w/o a system that `monitors’ passengers’ behaviour. Having such a system is an architectural requirement, not late-in-the-making bag on the side. You /are/ being watched in one of those. Behave yourself if you mind being caught.

No robotaxi is designed w/o a system that `monitors’ passengers’ behaviour. Having such a system is an architectural requirement, not late-in-the-making bag on the side. You /are/ being watched in one of those. Behave yourself if you mind being caught.
Hello, Mr. Boomer.
You’re speaking to the OnlyFans generation who has been addicted to narcissism since fucking birth. Attention Whores, seek attention. News at 11.
– Common F. Sense
He won’t even have time to become a serial killer. The death of privacy has made killing with impunity a thing of the past.… []… []
There has to be some upside of living in a dystopian fascist corporate surveillance society 🙂
Easy, ask Ted Cruz what he thinks of the idea and that’ll tell you what a Zodiac-like killer would do.
Signed, Dirty Mike and the Boys.
“Monkey pox epidemic from people riding SFO robotaxis, authorities mystified at what could be causing it”
Guess what the number one use is of family restrooms in airport terminals?
I’ve heard some very interesting anecdotes from a friend who does IT contract work for airport surveillance systems. Not only does being recorded going in and out of the restroom not bother them, but it actually seems to add spice to the situation.
we’re all supposed to own nothing and be happy, where we all simply rent everything in the moment where we need it, there will be a whole new set of obnoxious problems to deal with and so life will be no better.
When we do not own a car, and we instead summon an automated self-driving car, we will need to don a hazmat suit before boarding. And of course, we’ll either be sharing the hazmat suits [cringe] or need a way to store and carry them in a convenient form, or wear them all the time as some newfangled f
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